Bootleg Spiderman game

One day, I was walking around. An old man in a white van appeared. He told me to get in. He drove me back to my house. He gave me a disk. the disk said "Bootleg Spider-Man". I went on my computer and put the disk in. Surprisingly, instead of it being some weird movie, it was a game. The file name was "Spider-Man.EXE". I clicked the file. A title screen appeared. It was Spider-Man and venom fighting. I pressed start. It brought me to a house. Text came up that said "Get venom before he bangs Aunt May". I was able to climb up walls to I climbed up the house. It show a cut scene. "Don't bang my aunt", said Spider-Man. "OK penis parker", said venom. Then venom threw Spider-Man of the roof. blood came out everywhere. The blood came out of my screen. Then it started to flood the room. Then I died. I am curentlly in a purgatory where I have to look at Spider-Man x venom porn. My life sucks.